hwtBuildsystem.cli_utils package


hwtBuildsystem.cli_utils.unit_from_cli_args module

hwtBuildsystem.cli_utils.unit_from_cli_args.ban_names_in_serializer(serializer_cls: Type, reserved_ids: List[str] | None) Type[source]
hwtBuildsystem.cli_utils.unit_from_cli_args.unit_from_cli_args(unitCls: Type, default_params: List[Dict[str, object]], args: List[str] | None = None, out_folder: str | None = None, unit_name: str | None = None, reserved_ids: List[str] | None = None, stdout: StringIO | None = None)[source]
  • unitCls – unit class or anything callable which produces instance of Unit

  • default_params – list of default parameters for a component to resolve which parameters/generics affect which port width

  • args – list of CLI arguments, if None the CLI args of this python execution are used

  • reserved_ids – optional list of identifier names which should not be used in generated code (used to prevent name collisions)