Source code for hwtBuildsystem.modelsim.runVerification

from copy import copy
import os
import re
from subprocess import PIPE, Popen
import subprocess

from hwt.pyUtils.arrayQuery import where

DEFAULT_VCOM_PARAMS = ['-2008', "-explicit"]
DEFAULT_VLOG_PARAMS = ["-work {work}", "-sv"]
VSIM = ["vsim"]

MTI_HOME = "/opt/modelsim_se_105/modeltech/"
UVM_HOME = MTI_HOME + "verilog_src/uvm-1.2/"

hasPackageRe = re.compile(".*package\s+\S+\s*;.*", re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL)

[docs]def formatFileNames(fileNames): return "\\\n".join(map(lambda x: "{%s}" % x, fileNames))
[docs]def formatParams(params): return " ".join(params)
[docs]def findSVPackageFiles(svFiles): for f in svFiles: with open(f) as _f: if hasPackageRe.match( yield f
[docs]def buildSv(sv_incdir, svFiles, vlogParams): return ("vlog %s +incdir+" + UVM_HOME + "src " + UVM_HOME + "src/ %s %s") % ( formatParams(vlogParams), " ".join(map(lambda x:"+incdir+" + x, sv_incdir)), formatFileNames(where(svFiles, lambda x: x.endswith(".sv"))), )
[docs]def runVerificationCmds(vhdlFiles, svFiles, top, uvmTestNames, vcomParams, vlogParams, vsimParams): lib = "work" vsimParams = vsimParams + ["-wlf sim.wlf", "-sv_lib " + MTI_HOME + "uvm-1.2/linux_x86_64/uvm_dpi", '-do "run -all;"', "-errorfile errors" ] if vhdlFiles: buildVhdls = "vcom %s -work {%s} %s" % ( formatParams(vcomParams), lib, formatFileNames(vhdlFiles) ) else: buildVhdls = "" sv_incdir = set(map(lambda f: os.path.dirname(f), svFiles)) svFiles = list(where(svFiles, lambda x: x.endswith(".sv"))) buildSvCmd = [] packageFiles = list(findSVPackageFiles(svFiles)) packageFiles.sort(key=lambda x: len(x)) # build all packages for f in packageFiles: # we need includes only from this package dirName = os.path.dirname(f) # we are building only this package buildSvCmd.append(buildSv([dirName], [f], vlogParams)) packageFiles = set(packageFiles) # build rest of files buildSvCmd.append( buildSv(sv_incdir, list(where(svFiles, lambda x: x not in packageFiles)), vlogParams) ) for uvmTestName in uvmTestNames: _vsimParams = vsimParams + ["+UVM_TESTNAME=%s" % uvmTestName] cmd = (""" onbreak {status; puts "Quit on break"; quit -code 1} onerror {status; puts "Quit on error"; quit -code 2} onElabError {status; puts "Quit on elabError"; quit -code 3} vlib work %s %s add wave -divider DUT add wave -noupdate -hex /top/dut1/* vsim %s -lib %s %s quit -code 0 """) % (buildVhdls, "\n".join(buildSvCmd), formatParams(_vsimParams), lib, top) yield cmd
[docs]def runSVVer(vhdlFiles, systemVerilogSources, top, uvmTestNames=[""], vcomParams=DEFAULT_VCOM_PARAMS, vlogParams=DEFAULT_VLOG_PARAMS, vsimParams=["+UVM_NO_RELNOTES"], gui=False): verCmds = list(runVerificationCmds(vhdlFiles, systemVerilogSources, top, uvmTestNames, vcomParams, vlogParams, vsimParams)) cmdFileName = "modelsimCmd.tcl" with open(cmdFileName, 'w') as f: f.write("\n---------------\n".join(verCmds)) for cmd in verCmds: _VSIM = VSIM + ["-c"] p = Popen(_VSIM, shell=True, stdin=PIPE) p.communicate(cmd.encode(encoding='utf_8')) if gui: p = + ["-gui"])