Source code for hwtBuildsystem.ioConstraints

from typing import Optional, Union

from hwt.constraints import iHdlConstrain, _get_absolute_path, _get_parent_unit
from hwt.interfaces.std import Signal, Clk
from hwt.serializer.xdc.serializer import XdcSerializer
from hwt.synthesizer.rtlLevel.mainBases import RtlSignalBase
from hwt.synthesizer.unit import Unit
from hwtBuildsystem.vivado.api.port import VivadoBoardDesignPort
from hwtBuildsystem.vivado.xdcGen import XdcPackagePin, XdcIoStandard
from hwtSimApi.constants import Time
from hwtSimApi.utils import freq_to_period

[docs]class ConstrainIo(iHdlConstrain): """ Placement constrain which specifies on which IO pin of the chip package will this signal be mapped to and which standard it will use and optionally also input clock frequency. :note: io standard specifies the voltange, logic type etc. """ def __init__(self, intf: RtlSignalBase, pin_map, std: Union[XdcIoStandard, str, None], ommit_registration=False): assert not intf._interfaces assert len(pin_map) == intf._dtype.bit_length() self.pin_map = pin_map self.io_std = std self.intf = _get_absolute_path(intf) if not ommit_registration: self.register_on_parent() def _copy_with_root_upadate(self, old_path_prefix, new_path_prefix): raise ValueError("The pin map is appliable only to a top thus any root reallocation should not be valid") def _get_parent(self) -> Unit: return _get_parent_unit(self.intf)
[docs] @staticmethod def to_xdc(ser: XdcSerializer, self): intf = self.intf[-1] p = VivadoBoardDesignPort.fromInterface(intf) pin = self.pin_map std = self.ioStd w = ser.out.write if p.bits: # multibit vector like std_logic_vector wire[x:0] width = len(p.bits) if pin is None: pin = (None for _ in range(width)) else: assert len(pin) == width, (pin, self.intf) if std is None: std = (None for _ in range(width)) elif isinstance(std, str): std = (std for _ in range(width)) else: assert len(std) == width, (std, self.intf) for b, bpin, bstd in zip(p.bits, pin): if bpin is not None: w(XdcPackagePin(b, bpin).asTcl()) w("\n") if bstd is not None: w(XdcIoStandard(b, bstd).asTcl()) w("\n") else: if isinstance(intf, Clk): name = intf._phy_name period = freq_to_period(intf.FREQ) / Time.ns w(f'create_clock -name {name:s} -period {period:f} [get_ports {name}]\n') # 1b scalar like std_logic or wire/reg if pin is not None: assert len(pin) == 1, (intf, pin) w(XdcPackagePin(p, pin[0]).asTcl()) w("\n") if std is not None: w(XdcIoStandard(p, std).asTcl()) w("\n")
[docs] @staticmethod def to_sdc(ser: 'SdcSeraializer', self: 'set_Io'): intf = self.intf[-1] pin = self.pin_map std = self.io_std w = ser.out.write name = intf._phy_name if isinstance(Signal): width = intf._dtype.bit_length() if width == 1 and not intf._dtype.force_vector: if isinstance(intf, Clk): period = freq_to_period(intf.FREQ) / Time.ns w(f'create_clock -name "{name:s}" -period {period:f}ns [get_ports {{{name:s}}}]\n') if pin is not None: w('set_location_assignment ') w(pin) w(' -to ') w(name) w('\n') if std is not None: w('set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "') w(std) w('" -to ') w(name) w('\n') else: if pin is None: pin = (None for _ in range(width)) else: assert len(pin) == width, (pin, intf) if std is None: std = (None for _ in range(width)) elif isinstance(std, str): std = (std for _ in range(width)) else: assert len(std) == width, (std, intf) for i, bpin, bstd in enumerate(zip(pin, std)): if bpin is not None: w('set_location_assignment ') w(bpin) w(' -to ') w(name) w(f'[{i:d}]') w('\n') if bstd is not None: w('set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "') w(bstd) w('" -to ') w(name) w(f'[{i:d}]') w('\n') else: raise NotImplementedError()