Source code for hwtBuildsystem.fakeTool.recordingExecutor

import json
import os
from typing import List

from hwtBuildsystem.common.cmdResult import TclCmdResult
from hwtBuildsystem.common.executor import ToolExecutor
from hwtBuildsystem.common.project import SynthesisToolProject
from hwtBuildsystem.fakeTool.utils import FileOp, RecordingExecutorEncoder
import re

[docs]class RecordingExecutor(ToolExecutor): VAR_NAME_PWD = "{% RecordingToolController.PWD %}" VAR_NAME_DATE = "{% RecordingToolController.NAME_DATE %}" RE_DATE = re.compile(r"[a-zA-Z]{3} [a-zA-Z]{3} \d+ \d+:\d+:\d+ \d{4}") VAR_NAME_VIVADO_MACHINE_RESOURCES = "{% RecordingToolController.VIVADO_MACHINE_RESOURCES %}" RE_VIVADO_MACHINE_RESOURCES = re.compile(r"Time \(s\): cpu = \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2} ; elapsed = \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2} . Memory \(MB\): peak = \d+.\d+ ; gain = \d+.\d+ ; free physical = \d+ ; free virtual = \d+") VAR_NAME_VIVADO_PROJECT_ID = "{% RecordingExecutor.VIVADO_PROJECT_ID %}" RE_VIVADO_PROJECT_ID = re.compile(r'(?<=<Option Name=\\"Id\\" Val=\\")[a-f0-9]{32}(?=\\"/>)') VAR_NAME_VIVADO_HELPER_PROC_PID = '{% RecordingExecutor.VIVADO_HELPER_PROC_PID %}' RE_VIVADO_HELPER_PROC_PID = re.compile('(?<=\[Synth 8-7075\] Helper process launched with PID )(\d+)') QUARTUS_INFO_TIMES = [ (re.compile(r'(?<=Info: Peak virtual memory: )\d+(?= \S+)'), "{% RecordingExecutor.QUARTUS_PEAK_VIRT_MEM %}"), (re.compile(r'(?<=Info: Elapsed time: )\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}'), "{% RecordingExecutor.QUARTUS_ELAPSED_TIME %}"), (re.compile(r'(?<=Info: Total CPU time \(on all processors\): )\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}'), "{% RecordingExecutor.QUARTUS_TOTAL_CPU_TIME %}"), ] def __init__(self, executor: ToolExecutor, filesToWatch:List[str], traceFile: str, pwd=None, removeAllTracedFilesFirst=True): self.workerCnt = executor.workerCnt if pwd is None: pwd = os.getcwd() self.pwd = pwd self.executor = executor ifs = self.initialFilesToWatch = {} fs = self.filesToWatch = {} for f in filesToWatch: if removeAllTracedFilesFirst: if os.path.exists(f): os.remove(f) stats = None else: try: stats = os.stat(f) except FileNotFoundError: stats = None if stats is not None: with open(f) as _f: content = else: content = "" fs[f] = (stats, content) if removeAllTracedFilesFirst and stats is not None: with open(f) as _f: ifs[f] = FileOp('w', else: ifs[f] = FileOp('d', None) self.traceFile = traceFile self.history = []
[docs] def exeCmd(self, cmd) -> TclCmdResult: res = self.executor.exeCmd(cmd) fileChanges = [] for f, (prev_st, prev_content) in self.filesToWatch.items(): try: stats = os.stat(f) except FileNotFoundError: stats = None if stats != prev_st: if prev_st is None: with open(f) as _f: content = fileChanges.append([f, FileOp('w', content)]) else: raise NotImplementedError() self.history.append((res, fileChanges)) return res
[docs] def project(self, root, name:str) -> SynthesisToolProject: p = self.executor.project(root, name) p.executor = self return p
def __enter__(self): self.executor.__enter__() return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.executor.__exit__(exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb) with open(self.traceFile, "w") as fp: j = json.dumps({ "history": self.history, "filesToWatch": self.initialFilesToWatch, 'executorCls': [self.executor.__class__.__module__, self.executor.__class__.__name__], 'workerCnt': self.workerCnt, }, indent=2, separators=(',', ': '), cls=RecordingExecutorEncoder) j = j.replace(self.pwd, self.VAR_NAME_PWD) for (regex, sub) in [ (self.RE_DATE, self.VAR_NAME_DATE), (self.RE_VIVADO_MACHINE_RESOURCES, self.VAR_NAME_VIVADO_MACHINE_RESOURCES), (self.RE_VIVADO_PROJECT_ID, self.VAR_NAME_VIVADO_PROJECT_ID), (self.RE_VIVADO_HELPER_PROC_PID, self.VAR_NAME_VIVADO_HELPER_PROC_PID), *self.QUARTUS_INFO_TIMES, ]: j = regex.sub(sub, j) fp.write(j)